Answering Common Window Tinting Questions

There are many ways that individuals can customize their windows to provide the aesthetics and performance that they are wanting. Considering the vital role that windows play in both buildings and vehicles, it is always beneficial to be aware of your options for your window glass.

Are Window Tints Only For Automobiles?

Tinting the glass is one of the most common changes that people will make to the windows in their vehicles. This can lead to people being under the impression that only auto glass can be tinted. Yet, both residential and commercial properties will be able to benefit from having their windows tinted. Additionally, the process of applying a tint to this type of glass will be almost identical to the process used for auto glass, which will ensure that this upgrade will be as convenient as possible to make.

What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing A Shade Of Tint?

If you are having the tint applied to your car's windows, you will need to review local ordinances to determine whether there is a maximum amount of tint that is allowed. For those that are looking to add a tint to a building's windows, it can be important to preserve the view from the inside while also matching the tint to the home's color scheme.

Will Tinted Glass Improve Energy Efficiency?

Adding a tint to a window can substantially boost its energy efficiency. This is possible through the fact that the tint will be able to prevent the waves of light that carry the most heat from entering. For this reason, these tints can be particularly effective for those living in tropical, subtropical or desert environments. Those living in areas that have long or particularly cold winters may want to be more strategic when it comes to using tints as they may inadvertently contribute to the building or car being cooler than necessary.

Can A Tint Be Removed From A Window?

When a person decides that they are no longer want to have the tint on their window, it is possible to have it professionally removed. Many people will simply attempt to pull the tint off the glass, and this can be a major mistake. Successfully removing the tint will require using a chemical remover to dissolve the adhesive that binds the tint to the glass. In most instances, a professional will be able to completely restore the glass to its original appearance. In contrast, attempting this yourself will likely result in the glass appearing hazy with pieces of tint left on it.

For more help, contact a window tinting service.
